Tú equipo

Tú catálogo

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Gran variedad de equipo

Para todo tipo de producciones, locales e internacionales

Somos tu equipo

Te invitamos a que nos integres a tus proyectos desde un inicio.

Y así sumes nuestra experiencia.



Sistemas LEDs mas avanzados en el mercado, y más equipo.

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Grabadoras, microfonos, booms, cables, etc.

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We only use original parts or parts of equivalent quality. ​We make sure you get the best quality available on the market at the best price. All our interventions are guaranteed for a period of one year.


Cámaras y Sliders

We only use original parts or parts of equivalent quality. ​We make sure you get the best quality available on the market at the best price. All our interventions are guaranteed for a period of one year.


Use this snippet to build various types of components that feature a left- or right-aligned image alongside textual content. Duplicate the element to create a list that fits your needs.

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